Ramana Reddy

Three Decades of work experience with leading Companies like Voltas, Bovis Lend Lease, WS Atkins, Jones lang Lasalle, JMC, Maytas Properties, Soundarya Decorators, Dott Services (East Africa), Wilson Precast (New Zealand) comprising of Design, Project Delivery and Subject Matter Experts in Construction and Project Management Industry. Expertise in execution and management of multi-storied high rise residential and commercial buildings including IT Campus, Apartments, Super Specialty Hospitals and Industrial projects with high-end finishes. Major Projects handled Voltas Refrigerator Unit, Indian School Business, Oracle, Microsoft Phase-1 and Capgemini, GECIS, Hill County, Singapore Township, JVP Soft Projects in Hyderabad. CTS, TCS and Pfizer in Chennai, Palatia Residential in Jaipur, 100 & 500 Bed ESI Hospital, Brigade Corner Stone, Mantri Agara, Empyrean Township in Bangalore. Row Houses in Auckland and Shell and Caltex Fuel Stations in Uganda.